
IoT Partner Programm

Nutzen Sie Ihre Chancen in der voll vernetzten
Wirtschaft und nehmen Sie teil in unserem IoT Partners Programm.

Werden Sie Teil unseres weltweiten Netzwerkes. Damit profitieren Sie von unserer Kompetenz, Infrastruktur und Zertifizierungen, transparenten Tarifen und direktem Zugang zu unseren Lösungen, innovativen Tools und Produkten – wie der Global IoT Sim.

Über das IoT Partners Programm werden Sie durch einen festen und bestens vernetzten Ansprechpartner persönlich beraten. Damit erhalten Sie zuverlässige Orientierung und Impulse im schnell wachsenden digitalen Geschäftsfeld und können Ihre Ressourcen optimal einsetzen. Mit unserer O2 Business Kite Plattform, Ihrem Online-Portal mit integrierter Smart M2M Plattform, verwalten Sie Ihr Business noch effizienter. Zum Beispiel können Sie darüber bequem SIM-Karten bestellen, in Echtzeit Pricings konfigurieren und die Netzabdeckung für Ihre SIM-Karten weltweit überprüfen. So gestalten Sie die Digitalisierung Ihres Unternehmens nach Ihren Vorstellungen – und können sich dabei immer auf Ihr Kerngeschäft konzentrieren. Werden Sie Partner im IoT Partners Programm von O2 Business. Wir beraten Sie gerne.

Ihre Vorteile:


  • Direkter Zugang zu O2 Business Lösungen und transparente Tarife:
    Beziehen Sie die Lösungen und Produkte, z. B. die Global IoT SIM schnell und einfach über das IoT Partners Programm – perfekt für schnelle Go-To-Market-Prozesse.
  • Persönliche Beratung:
    Profitieren Sie von einem festen und bestens vernetzten Ansprechpartner, der Sie im schnell wachsenden digitalen Geschäftsfeld berät.
  • Online-Portal zur effizienten Nutzung:
    Über das digitale IoT Partners Portal können Sie alle Vorgänge verwalten, SIM-Karten bestellen, in Echtzeit Preise kalkulieren und die weltweite Netzabdeckung überprüfen.

IoT Partner stellen sich vor


Wireless Logic GmbH

We are Europe’s leading M2M managed services provider, delivering a one-stop solution combining secure infrastructure, resilient software platforms and multiple network connectivity, on a simply unrivalled scale. In partnership with major mobile and satellite networks, we provide best-in-class managed services to system integrators, application providers and end user clients – from global blue chip organisations to small and medium enterprises.


Mapping and location-based services and solutions supported by the power of HERE, a Nokia business.


Mobile networks agnostic SIM Management platform SIMPro gives full control of the entire SIM estate

Cloud based private network NETPro for highly secure two-way data communication 

Telefónica m2m Partners
Telefónica m2m Authorised Distributor

Company Type
m2m Services Provider

Vertical Markets
Consumer Electronics
Retail & Commerce
Transports & Automotive
Utilities & Smart Cities

Territory of operation
Middle East & Africa
USA & Canada

Contact Information
Am Hochacker 4
Germany, 85630

Phone: +49 89 550 621 39


KOMSA Kommunikation Sachsen AG

Having started out 25 years ago as a mobile phone distributor, today KOMSA is one of the leading distributors and service providers of digital products and solutions. The company’s history began in 1992. On a farm in Hartmannsdorf in Saxony, Swedish-born Gunnar Grosse and three other ambitious entrepreneurs started a company that has supported and pioneered digitization from the very start. At the time, KOMSA was one of the first service providers to contribute to building a network of mobile retailers in Germany.

Today, the KOMSA Group has a workforce of 1,800 in Germany and Poland who support manufacturers and retailers with a wide range of services: The company ensures that products contributing to the digitization of society reach the private and commercial consumers who wish to buy and use them. In order to do this, KOMSA designs and provides support for business processes involving its industry partners, retail partners and consumers. Its range of services includes sales, logistics, product refinement, marketing, customer service, repairs and more. KOMSA also seeks out new trends and opportunities to enter new business fields and supports its partners with digitization.

Telefónica m2m Partners
Telefónica m2m Authorised Distributor

Company Type
m2m Integration & Consulting

Vertical Markets
Consumer Electronics
Retail & Commerce
Transports & Automotive

Territory of operation

Contact Information
Niederfrohnaer Weg 1
Germany, 09232

Phone: +49 372 271 381 66


Epsilon Telecommunications GmbH

Wir sind die EPSILON – der erfolgreichste deutsche Dienstleister für Telekommunikation im Geschäftskundensegment aus dem oberfränkischen Oberkotzau im Landkreis Hof.
Wir bieten unseren über 800 Vertriebspartnern in ganz Deutschland umfangreiche Unterstützung bei der Vermarktung von Kommunikationslösungen und Services für Geschäftskunden. Im Zuge der Digitalen Revolution sind wir außerdem direkter Ansprechpartner für Unternehmen zu den Themen Internet of Things, Industrie 4.0 oder M2M. Lasst uns in Sachen Digitalisierung KONKRET werden!

EPSILON ist strategischer und seit mehreren Jahren umsatzstärkster Business Distributor der Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG.

Telefónica m2m Partners
Telefónica m2m Authorised Distributor

Company Type
m2m Services Provider

Vertical Markets
Retail & Commerce

Territory of operation

Contact Information
Ziegeleistraße 2
Germany, 95145

Phone: +49 928 694 044 80


Extrafon GmbH

We are acting as a reseller of telecom services globally with a greater focus on mobile data for both users and M2M/IoT. We are registered as a telecom service provider and have customers and projects globally. Traditionally we offered fix line and voice services, however in recent years we focus on Mobile only. We have a sister company in the United Kingdom and now we in the process to complete a registration of our branch office in Germany.

Telefónica m2m Partners
Telefónica m2m Authorised Distributor

Company Type
m2m Devices Manufacturer
m2m Indepent Software Vendor
m2m Integration & Consulting
m2m Services Provider
Mobile Data

Vertical Markets
Retail & Commerce
Transports & Automotive
Utilities & Smart Cities

Territory of operation
Asia & Pacific
Middle East & Africa
USA & Canada

Contact Information
Kluggasse 10
Postfach 1657
Switzerland, 8640

Phone: +41 788 477 664


tkbc GmbH

As a full-stack provider,tkbc offers a full range of Internet of Things (IoT) products and services. It covers all the essential performance elements for operational and scalable IoT solutions: from consulting to hardware and software development, standard products such as sensors and adapters, components such as chips and protocols, an in-house developed and highly scalable IoT cloud solution with a documented programming interface to manufacturing services, where we deliver individually developed products ready to use including operating instructions and repackaging to our customers. Covering all relevant performance elements, our design solutions are functional, secure, scalable, cost-efficient and most importantly fast and risk-free.

On this solid basis, we have specialized in three business areas:

  • Smartification: Networking products in the Internet of Things
  • Energy efficiency: transparent measurement and efficient energy management
  • IoT Cloud Enablement: Design, Build, and Operate IoT Platforms

Our focus is custom solutions (Custom Hardware / Products, Custom IoT Platform) for the SME sector. We support our customers and partners in tackling the challenges of digitization and unlocking potential. With customized solutions, we help companies to network their products and develop digital business models. For the field of energy efficiency, we have proven references, a comprehensive product range and a well-positioned eco-system of technology and distribution partners. Last but not least, we also pass on our know-how as a manufacturer-independent consultancy for the design, construction and operation of IoT clouds.

For many companies, the digitization of their products and business models means the time-consuming development of resources and know-how, or cooperation with a large number of individual solution partners. tkbc´s full-stack IoT portfolio enables companies to realize predictable Smart Products and IoT solutions from the first moment on.

Telefónica m2m Partners
Telefónica m2m Advanced Certified Partner

Company Type
m2m Integration & Consulting
m2m Services Provider

Vertical Markets
Consumer Electronics
Retail & Commerce
Transports & Automotive
Utilities & Smart Cities

Territory of operation

Contact Information
Buzweilerhof Allee 2-4
Germany, 50829

Phone: 022 158 830 540


traveltainer GmbH & Co. KG

Die Anfänge der im Jahre 2003 gegründeten traveltainer GmbH & Co. KG gehen auf 1999 zurück. Als Systemanbieter für Flotten- und Logistiklösungen betreibt das Unternehmen die skalierbare traveltainer Telematik Plattform, welche sich als eines der führenden Telematiksysteme am Markt etabliert hat. Im Vordergrund steht dabei die nachhaltige Kostensenkung in Fahrzeugflotten durch maßgeschneiderte Auswahl aus einem umfangreichen Dienstportfolio, welches von der einfachen Fahrzeugortung über Flottenmanagement bis hin zur komplexen Bewertung des Fahrverhaltens reicht. Zu den Kunden von traveltainer gehören in erster Linie Unternehmen mit Fahrzeugflotten.

Telefónica m2m Partners
Telefónica m2m Advanced Certified Partner

Company Type
m2m Devices Manufacturer
m2m Services Provider

Vertical Markets
Transports & Automotive

Territory of operation

Contact Information
Burgstr. 10
Germany, 33184

Phone: +49 5255 9353-0



We create intelligent living environments and connect generations to include everyone as a social, safe and independent person. We do this because we all deserve it. Our journey started by placing the users into the center of the developments and then we created cutting-edge technology around it. This is how we have come up with caru – a unique and smart communication and sensing device that is placed in the living environments of our users and that gets smarter day by day.

Telefónica m2m Partners
Telefónica m2m Master Certified Partner

Company Type
m2m Devices Manufacturer

Vertical Markets
Consumer Electronics

Territory of operation

Contact Information
Feldeggstrasse 4
Switzerland, 8008

Phone: +41 44 512 13 75


KOBIL Systems GmbH

Today, KOBIL solutions are the standard for digital identity and highly secure data technology. Founded in 1986, the ever-expanding KOBIL Group, headquartered in Worms, is a pioneer in the smart card, one-time password, authentication and cryptography sectors. The focus of the philosophy is to enable a consistent Identity and Mobile Security Management on all platforms and all communication channels. Nearly half of KOBIL’s employees work in development, including leading cryptography specialists. KOBIL plays a key role in the development of new encryption standards. Commerzbank, DATEV, German Bundestag, Migros Bank, Societe Generale, UBS, ZDF and many others rely on KOBIL.

Telefónica m2m Partners
Telefónica m2m Registered Partner

Company Type
m2m Services Provider

Vertical Markets

Territory of operation
Middle East & Africa
USA & Canada

Contact Information
Pfortenring 11
Germany, 67547

Phone: +49 624 130 040

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